About us
Oud India, Best Agarwood, White Sandalwood, and Malabar Neem plant Seller in Kerala, is formed with a view to promote the cultivation and processing these in Kerala. We aim at procuring the best agarwood plants from Assam and distribute them to the farmers across India. We collect seeds and nurture them to become a healthy plant. We thrive to reach out to potential farmers in India to grow Agarwood, Sandalwood, and Malabar Neem in a standardized way, by providing them with adequate training, processes, practices and aids.

Assam indigenous Agarwood, White Sandalwood, and Malabar Neem plant collected and distributed to the whole India for the cultivation and production

Promoting the cultivation and production of Best Agarwood, White Sandalwood, Malabar Neem and its product forms to farmers around the world
Agarwood Plantation
The Agarwood Plantation in Kerala is one of the quickest arising speculation choices in the express that is creating work as well as worldwide product opportunities. The fragrance of agarwood is all that one can experience and is a profoundly sought-after one by individuals across the globe. Agarwood manor in Kerala is quite possibly of the most valuable exchange that is thriving and is promising gigantic returns that are compensating in each way.
What is Agarwood/Oudh?
Agarwood, aloeswood, eaglewood or gharuwood is viewed as the world's most significant incense with considerably greater cost for top notch agarwood. Because of its multiuse, interest for agarwood items keeps on expanding essentially and may cause fast consumption of agarwood trees in the wilds.
It is found in the heartwood of aquilaria trees when they become infected with a kind of mould (Phialophora parasitica). Before the infection, the heartwood is scentless, generally light and pale hued as the infection advances, the tree delivers dark aromatic resin, called aloes or agar as well as gaharu, jinko, oud, or oodh aguru , in response to the infection,which brings about an extremely thick, dark, resin implanted heartwood. The resin implanted wood is esteemed in East and South Asian societies for its distinctve aroma and is used for incense and scents.

Benefits over Rubber
India's agarwood capital, the Aquilaria malaccensis species, which is endemic to Southeast Asian rainforests, is commonly observed in Assam. The trees might reach heights of 70 feet and widths of 80 cm in just seven or eight years. Little care is required for the saplings. When planted among rubber trees, oud seedlings typically grow quickly and healthily. The climate in Kerala has allowed the Assam-rampantly growing trees to flourish. Advanced research has also led to the development of an artificial fungal therapy to produce oodh. There are about 300 3.5-inch deep holes that are drilled, and each one is filled with a specific medication. Agarwood is created when the black substance that surrounds the wood forms in two months. Agarwood is a resinous wood made by the Aquilaria tree that is used as an ingredient in perfumes, incense, and the extraction of essential oils. The priceless agarwood, whose history can be traced back thousands of years, has a fascinating past and is employed in traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of respiratory conditions. Additionally, agarwood can be carved into sculptures, boxes, and beads. The market for agarwood is expanding quickly, whether it be for chips, oil, medication, or fragrances.
Rubber being the major cash crop of Kerala, a camparison of advantages of Oud/Oudh/Agarwood over rubber is noteworthy. 1000+ Oud plants can be spread in an acre of land, while only 300 is possible in the case of rubber. Maximum 8 to 10 years is required for Oud to yield. While in 8 to 10 years, Rubber will only start yielding. Rubber requires juvenile care and maintenance throughout it's lifetime, while Oud requires only slight care upto 2 years and not much maintenance and are 1000 times profitable than Rubber.

Inoculation Process
Three strategies for inoculation used at Oudh India are F02P, F12S and F07D. F02P is Pasting. In this we eliminate bark of the tree trunk and paste fungus. F12S is Sticking. We store parasite in bamboo sticks and addition the sticks generally through the tree trunk. F07D is Drilling and Injecting. We infuse organism straightforwardly through the container. Fungus infused is all regularly liberated from synthetic substances. Each of the three additionally shift for cost.
Manual harm or bug pervasion in the stem prompts growth contamination. To do so we need to wound the tree trunk where the fungus is injected. Stress condition in the tree improves spreading disease so tree is pushed for something very similar. Thus, organism infected through the harmed piece of tree spreads and bigger wood volume gets tainted. The color around the injury changes from brown to dark suggesting inoculation process is advancing. It normally requires 4-5 years for aquilaria tree to create agarwood profound inside its trunk.
Regardless of whether to harvest or not, it is the hardest choice as it is difficult to be aware of the external appearance of the tree if the agarwood is created inside the storage compartment or not..Tree should be sick to create agarwood so it is injured physically. The symptoms of tree infection are die back symptom on the top and a yellow tint to the woody tissues.Visible wounds, stem distortion, smaller leaves and rotten branches also help in assurance of precious wood deposits inside the trunk. These symptoms show that aquilaria trees are severly infected. When these side effects are seen effectively then the tree decided on gathering else left out if reasonably debilitated.

White Sandalwood
Sandalwood is undoubtedly the most costly wood in the world. The price of wood might reach Rs. 10,000 per kilogram. The government has given farmers the right to grow the wood and sell it to them, even though the government is the only entity that can sell and process the wood. Sandalwood is widely cultivated in India and Australia. Natural sandalwood trees can be found in Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh in India. Sandal trees reproduce via seed, and once trees have been uprooted and the earth cleared of the stump, natural regeneration takes place via seedlings and root suckers. The scent of sandalwood oil, sometimes referred to as fragrance oil, perfume oil, and body oil, is woodsy and exotic and lingers. Pale yellow to pale gold is the colour. The essential oil is a superior sandalwood oil since it contains alpha- and beta-santalol in amounts totaling more than 90% of the oil.
About 7-8 months old saplings that have grown up to a height of one foot are planted for cultivation. The ideal pH value of soil is between 6.5 and 7.5. Sandalwood trees require only moderate irrigation. Too much watering will make the plant perish. The bark will be formed by the time the tree turns 15 years old. When it is fully grown, the tree will have a length of 13-16 meters and a diameter of 1-2 meters. No chemical pesticides or fertilizers are used. Sandalwood trees are normally uprooted rather than being chopped off, because even its roots fetch a high price according to its weight.

Inter cultivation of Sandalwood
An effective technique in which various secondary forest species are planted in the same pit as host plants. If a perpetual host is provided at the time of planting in the field, it promotes sandal growth; otherwise, it grows stunted, develops pale yellow leaves, and eventually perishes after about a year. There are more than 150 host plants in the sandal family, although Aqualaria Malaccensis, Acacia nilotica, Melia Dubia, and Wrightia tinctoria are among of the best hosts.
Malabar Neem
Malabar Neem or Melia Dubia is an indigenous tree species to India, South East Asia, and Australia. It is a member of the Meliaceae family and has been grown for use as firewood in these regions. All types of soil can be used to grow the tree, and it needs little water. Malabar neem has the unusual ability to grow to a height of 40 feet in just two years after planting and can be mechanically pruned and harvested. The family of Neem includes the Malabar Neem species. This tree is renowned for growing quickly. Farmers in the recent past have discovered the usefulness of this tree as a low-grade timber and also as a highly important wood for the plywood industry in Kerala, Tamil Nadu, and Karnataka.
Malabar Neem is a tree species that grows very quickly and is suitable for our Kerala climate. It is a deciduous tree, attaining a girth of 1.2-1.5m and a height of about 20m, with a spreading crown and a cylindrical, straight trunk of about 9m. Melia Dubia is been identified as a fast-growing indigenous species. This species is a local timber that is better suited for industrial use than other exotic/foreign species being presently propagated. This timber produces very good quality plywood comparable to international standards. It brings a handsome price in the demand, assured buyback, and requires low maintenance expenditure may help in this regard. Growing this species can increase the forest cover rapidly, which at present is a national priority. In addition, the trees also help nature by preventing temperature rise and checking gas emissions into the atmosphere.

Agarwood or Oud is a rare natural substance found in the resinous heartwood of the Aquilaria or Gyrinops tree from South East Asia. Agarwood plantations have been planted for decades in an effort to save these species from overharvesting.
- It takes an average of 5-7 years to grow Aquilaria trees before they are inoculated to produce resin.
- More than 85 percent of trees survive after being inoculated. Furthermore, it takes at least two years to produce resin (agarwood). However, harvesting high-quality wood chips takes at least 3.5 years.
- After the trees are cut down, new Aquilaria trees will be planted, repeating the process for another 10 years before harvesting.
- A large plantation site is advantageous, but it comes at a higher cost.
To begin with, this is highly unlikely due to the diligence and expertise of our team. However, we guarantee that if any of your trees are damaged, sickened, or die as a result of any of the following, we will replace them immediately from our own buffer stock, ensuring a 100% harvest.
Annually, plantation sites are rigorously assessed and due diligence is performed in order to mitigate all risk factors such as fire, lightning, wild animal damage, cyclone & hurricane, drought, theft & vandalism, flooding, pest and disease, hail damage etc.
Selection, the actual felling process, an exhibition of distinct collector types (local and nonlocal), and their connections with dealers are all included in the harvesting process. Harvesting agarwood can be a temporary or recurring job. Through a credit system, collectors who rely on Agarwood for their income are connected to the reseller. They in turn connected with, on average, 50–100 collectors and might be autonomous or reliant on a single trader. Locally, agarwood is utilized for medical purposes, however this study's findings suggest that most of the collected agarwood is exported.
The tropical climate of Kerala is best suitable for the optimum growth and very high yield of Agarwood plants except swampy and water locked areas.
Dig holes that have 1.5 feet in length, width, and depth leaving a distance of 3 meters between them. Sandalwood roots need the presence of other plants at a distance of 1.5 to 2 meters in order to easily absorb nutrients from the soil. The roots absorb nutrients partially from the roots of other plants. Various secondary forest species are either planted in separate pits in a quincunx pattern, to utilize the space between four trees that remain unutilized in the square system or in the same pit as host plants.
No, The Karnataka Forests Act, Tamil Nadu Forests Act, Kerala Forests Act, and Andhra Pradesh Forests Act have all been amended to support the production of sandalwood. Sandalwood trees planted on private property are now the property of the landowners. Therefore, planting sandalwood on your farm is a sensible choice. The laws controlling the harvesting, transportation, storage, and disposal of sandalwood have been relaxed. A strategy has been devised to pay sandalwood tree owners their market value.
Malabar neem wood can be sold to the veneer and match industries. For the match industry, a tree with a minimum thickness of 16 inches is tradable at a minimum price of Rs 2000 per ton, whereas the market price for the veneer sector is a little higher.